Sunday, 30 September 2012

Marvelicious Sunday

Last night slept at near 2am while Ling watched her tigers and dolphin movie on her iPhone's Funshion.
Early morning wakey at 4.30am to go fishing.
Reached home dog tired at about 10.30am.
Washed my reel, rod, lures, boga, pliers and oakley then showered myself.
Made breakfast for Ling.
One of her favorites: black coffee and bread with nutella.
After a while, we left for her place.
Ling suggested cooking today and so, we went to NTUC opposite her place.
I saw chunks of raw toman (aka giant snakehead) meat in the refrigerator section.
It's like $4+ for roughly 250grams. 
Those monster 10kg tomans in our local reservoir will translate to SGD 160+ per fish!!
WTH?! Didn't knew these buggers cost so much!
No wonder Ah Tiongs, Bangalas and Siam Kia like to net and bait for them risking their own safety by swimming to spread long nets in our local freshwater.
Anyway, I have never truly tasted a toman before except for those in hawker's fish vermicelli.
All those that I have caught, I released after landing and photo raping them regardless of juvenile or monster size.
Grabbed a chunk of toman toman meat, 2 chicken drumsticks, luncheon meat, potatoes, onions and eggs.
Knowing that these are actually farmed giant snakeheads make me feel less guilty eating them.
Ling prepared and cooked everything.

Look at the greedy girl!
Boiled Potatoes
Pepper devouring her special
The fish was nice!
She happycalled it with teriyaki sauce.
Ling knowing that I'm uber tired due to the fact that I have only slept for less than 3hrs yesterday then woke up to go fishing, she commanded me not to wash the dishes but to leave them for her.
After dinner, we brought Pepper down for a short walk.
Children were playing with lanterns under then watchful eyes of their parents.
歌台 opposite Ling's estate.
Feeling super high due to lack of sleep...
What a day...
Missing my boy......

An Eventful Fishing Day!

Same thing.
Went to my Mandai spot at 6am before the sun is even up.
Began casting in the dark.

Very soon, I felt a take on my lure.
It lasted for a few seconds before the line went dead on me.
Failed to hook up the mysterious fish...

Daylight comes...

Temensis feeding frenzy starts!!

Felt a take again.
Striked and hookup was solid.

Temensis made a couple of leaps above water desperately trying to free itself from my hook.

No chance...

Landed the fish and while I was unhooking it, I saw a feeding splash in the distance.

Quickly, I unhooked the landed fish and left it on the grass with my boga gripping firmly on it's jaw.
Made a perfect cast to the splash with sniper accuracy...

BOOM!! Another take!!

Reeled it in and took picture of them both along with my gear:

My first solo double-hookup!

Released both fishes back into the water and resumed my blind casting and the occasional spot casting whenever I spotted any fish ripple.

Those temensis at Mandai had a huge feeding frenzy this morning!
It's unbelieveable...

Just take a look at the pics below:

Landed them one by one consistently!

Broke my previous freshwater quantity record of 6 fishes.
New record is now 9 fishes and it's only for a short session!

All are decently sized.
No monsters but nonetheless, I'm contented...
Lady Luck is not only smiling at me today...
She'd fallen in love with me this morning! lol
After some time, 2 youngsters in their mid twenties came and they began their casting.
One of them caught a temensis with a diving minnow and I noticed that he held the fish's mouth with his left thumb and used his bare right hand to remove the treble hook of his lure.
At this scene, a few flashbacks came to my mind...
Bloody ones...
He released the fish after the hook is removed and resumed his blind casting.
I'm sort of a loner when it comes to fishing...
I will never take the initiative to start a conversation...
I will never offer help of any kind to another angler if I doesn't know him/her...
I will never share tips or feeding trend of the spot to another stranger angler...
But this morning, I just couldn't resist...
I had offered my assistance, tool and advice to another angler whom I have never met before...
Here goes the story:
When I saw him unhooking the fish with his bare hand instead of using a plier, images of anglers hooking their own fingers flashed across in my mind.
I have personally witnessed 2 seperate occasions where anglers accidentally hooked themselves.
It happened again...
Lady Luck loves me...
But she obviously hates him...
Shortly after, he striked another fish and landed it.
While he was unhooking his second catch, the fish struggled out of his grip and hooked his left index finger in the process.

I was watching my lure in the far distant when it happened.
Turned my head when I heard a loud 'Argh!'.
Immediately, I reeled back my line, dropped my gear and ran to him.
He was squatting beside the fish with his back facing towards me.

Before I had actually seen his finger, I already sort of knew what happened...
He's asking for trouble dehooking a fish with his bare hands.
The struggling temensis was still attached to his lure which consists of 3 treble hooks evenly spaced apart.
The third hook on the fish, the first on his finger.
To make it worse, the struggling fish caused him more pain with it's forceful motions.

I gently but firmly held the fish still with my foot and whipped out my tungsten carbide cutter from my luring sling bag.
Instructed him to hold as still as possible while I cut the split ring of the hook on his finger.

I then remove the hook on the innocent fish and released it back into the water.

Went back to that young man and took a closer look at his wound.
It's not looking good...
On all fishing hooks regardless or treble or not, there is this 'barb' below every sharp end.
It's like a splinter pointing in the opposite direction of the main sharp end to prevent the hook from coming loose after piercing through bait or fish.

The barb had buried itself into his finger.
If the barb did not enter into his flesh, it can be removed easily by pulling it out.

In this case, pulling the hook out reversely is impossible unless he is willing to further gore his flesh and make it even worse risking infection not to mention the excruciating pain due to the countless nerve endings in his finger.
I told him that there are only 2 options for this kind of situation:
1) Cut the hook and push it THROUGH his finger which will be painful but still much better than reverse forcing it out.
2) Go to a hospital now where the doctor will most likely make a small incision on his finger to remove the hook. Stitches needed. Money needed.
Passed him a packet of sterilising tissue from my first aid pouch while he made some thoughts on my options.

Decided to wrap it up for today's session and wished him the best of luck and bid him goodbye.
Walked back out towards the main road.

Suddenly, a cynical thought came to my mind...
I turned back and feigned some extra concern for his poor finger then I politely popped the question...
'May I may take a photograph of your finger?'

He gladly obliged...

I just couldn't resist my cynical nature...
Couldn't resist taking this rare shot...
Here's the rare pic of his painful misfortune:

Treble hook's barb is deeply embedded in his flesh...

I thanked Lady Luck again for letting me have a chance to snap this ultra rare pic on top of my superb fishing day.
One couldn't help wondering whether the next turn will be mine?
Went home to Ling a happy man...
Reached home.
Ling is still half snoozing on the bed.
Told her that I caught a record 9.
Showed her the 'hook in finger' pic.
Sleepy Ling immediately looked at my fingers with a hint of anxiety on her facial expression.
I told her it's not me and showed her my unscathed hands.
It feels good to be concerned and loved......

Monday, 24 September 2012

Sunday Surprises

Went to the same spot again on Sunday morning.
Left behind my G.Loomis and brought along a 2pc 6.3' 10-20lb Rapala predator rod.

Reached at 6am, start casting in the darkness.
On my 3rd cast, a gentle tug was felt.
I striked and the unknown fish struggled gently.
It felt weird...

From my rod's pull, the fish felt rather big but the shakes and tugs weren't violent at all.

When it was close, the unknown fish's survival instinct suddenly kicked in and it started shaking and dashing violently!
Held on while surprised by this sudden charge of energy from that fish.

Landed it and it's a giant snakehead.

Size and weight although not astounding but decent.
Took some pics and played with it for awhile.
It's amazing that this species can still remain aggressive even after caught and it attempted to snap my hand several times.
If it's bite really connects, it will clamp shut it's jaws solidly and shake it's head until the 'meat' is torn from the main body.
One bite from this fish and I can kiss goodbye to my fingers...

The giant snakehead has a reputation of being the freshwater's alpha predator.

Released it back to the water where it should rightfully belong...
In case anyone is wondering, giant snakeheads actually have lungs enabling them to breathe air and thus, survive in stagnant water as well as long period on land.
This is unlike any other freshwater fishes where they must be put back into the water within minutes.
Realised that it's final struggles and dashes bent my treble hook.
Changed the hook and continued casting.
It's my first successfully landed giant snakehead at this spot. 
Fished for a couple more hours.
Met another hokkien speaking angler in his 40s, chatted.
Got 2 more strikes but didn't held on.
Lost 2 lures due to sangkot. Heartpain....
We exchanged contacts before parting at 9am.
Went home and bought breakfast for Ling.

Used an Iphone 4 for a couple of years now.
Time to change...
Went IMM and joined the queue while Ling shopped at Daiso.
2 hours I queued to get a queue ticket.
Was told that minimum waiting time is about 4 hours but guaranteed that there will be a phone for me in the spec that I wanted.
Went home, picked up my charger and sync my phone.
Went back to IMM and shopped around until it's my turn.
Counter staff told me that they are unable to accept my Iphone 4 for trade-in because it's jailbroken.
What nonsense...
I still has loyalty voucher of $50 after my 10 years with M1.
I redeemed my points for a further $25 rebate.
And after all these hassle, I finally got the overly hyped Iphone 5 with 32GB in black of course.

The LTE (4G) speed is amazing!
There's once I clocked almost 8mbps download and 7mbps upload speed last night at Ling's place.

New phone weighs significantly lighter, size not much bigger but slightly taller than 4, battery capacity is much better and processing speed is much faster. 

No jailbreaking programme released for iOS 6 yet...    :(
Will have to endure the retarded stock firmware until then...

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Dry Spell - Epilogue

Went to Mandai for a short session with Freyson this early morning determined to break my dry spell.

Brought the same rod/reel, wore the same shirt, used the same lure as I did when the last time I went there half a year ago...

Arrived there at daybreak...

After a few casts, I felt a tug at the end of my line and immediately, I tightened my line and striked.
Was reeling the fish in when it made an acrobatic leap above water level followed by a violent headshake.

That's when I last saw the fish... It was a temensis about a foot long.
It managed to throw my hook with the headshake...

I should have set the hook once more just to make sure...
Well, no use crying over spilled milk...

I continued working my lure casting countless times and suddenly, I saw a silhouette of a small motor boat with 2 persons onboard.
WTF?! PUB start work so early on a Saturday morning meh??

Quickly, I pulled Freyson who was tying a knot and didn't notice the boat and escaped to the main road.


After a cigarette, I went back to my spot and the PUB officers were gone.
Better luck next time, bitches.

Continued casting and retrieving with the random jerk while looking out in the distance just in case those PUB officers decide to make a return.

This is when I felt it...
The familiar tug of a monster fish...

I striked immediately, adrenaline pumping through my veins.
The forceful struggle told me that it's a big one at the end of my line.
It's a huge temensis or peacock bass, I told myself.

Peacock bass are prized gamefish worldwide and they are known for it's aggressive and territorial nature.
The wild ones are violent.
Many anglers overestimated their size when they got one biting and were disappointed when the fish is landed.
Why? Because even a small peacock bass or temensis puts up a fight like a fish twice it's own size!
Anyway, it's a violent species so to speak...

After some tugging and wild dashes, I reeled it in.
Just when the fish was mere metres away from me, I saw it...
It's huge!
The average size for this species I've caught in local waters are about a foot long whereas this one is double!

At about 2 metres away from my, it made a last but epic dash.
My Daiwa Ryoga 1016H reel is tuned with Carbontex drag.
Imagine this top-of-the-line reel, along with high performance after-market drag set at more than half the maximum limit, this fish pulled my line outwards for almost 10 metres in the blink of an eye!

I held on during this split second of madness.
Freyson let out a shout upon witnessing this spectacular moment and scared me...

This fish is either insane or on steriods.....

Anyway, I landed the fish and boga read 5lbs on the scale.
Photo raping begins...

Peacock Bass @ 60cm / 5lbs
G.Loomis IMX, Daiwa Ryoga 1016H, Duel lipless minnow 115mm/Floating

The parting shot...

Wanted to release the fish after it's photo rape but Freyson wanted to have it for dinner.
Gave him the fish knowing that it will not go to waste...
Freyson was a cook at a 5 star hotel and cooks frequently for his family.

If it's a giant snakehead, I would have insisted to free it.
I know that they're all fishes anyway, so why the double standard?
Don't ask me why...
I'm bias towards all other species except for the giant snakehead...

We left after this exciting 2 hour session.
Must reach home before Ling wakes up.

The most important thing is, my dry spell is broken!!
At least for now......

Friday, 7 September 2012

Dry Spell...

Every accomplished writer will experience the dreaded 'writer's block' sometime during their writing career.
Same goes for anglers.

I'm going through a dry spell now...

Have been fishing way lesser compared to months before.
Now, I try my best to make it a weekly thing.

For the past couple of weeks, I have been squeezing in short sessions to wet my lines.
I've rarely encountered zero catches before.
However, I have been catching nothing recently... zilch!

It's always at least 3 temensis and/or a giant snakehead if I'm lucky.
Not anymore... Guess I ran out of luck... 

Hope this dark period get past me soon.


2 days ago, my regular tackle shop's boss passed me a new lure that he brought in from Japan for some testing.
Wants me to give him feedback and in return, I get the $21 lure for free.

One of the staff there told me MacRitchie reservoir has an influx of temensis lately.
Certainly not at the legal spot, he told me to 'enter' from behind those nearby landed properties.

Yesterday after Boy's haircut, I went home and using satellite images on google map, narrowed down to the most possible section of MacRitchie Reservoir. Illegal of course...

All legal spots constructed by PUB at every reservoir in our country is a huge joke altogether...
They seriously think all anglers are brainless and contructed these useless fishing grounds just for the sake of pacifying the public.
They have an uncanny knack of choosing areas with little or no fish to build those legal fishing ground.
And one of the rules of MacRitchie's ridiculously small fishing spot is that no rods shall be longer than 7feet so as to restrict anglers from casting long distances.
Might injure those canoeists they say...

Anyway, legal spots never appealed to me.
Although the fine for fishing illegally is quite hefty, part of the fun in luring is the jungle bashing and stealthy approach.
Never will I set my foot on those so called legal designated fishing ground.
Total waste of time...

Boy sniffing around.

This should be it.
But still, I will have to be there personally to find a way into and through the jungle to reach the waters.
Got my gears ready, brought along a 2 piece rod for convenience, fishing sandals, small bottle of drinking water and off I went...

Found the entry point!


 After about 30 minutes of trekking alone, I finally reached the waters...

Those overhung tress and bushes are perfect ambush spot for giant snakeheads.

Throughout my 2 hours stay and countless casts there, all I saw was a black giant snakehead about 2 feet long swimming close to the surface and this tortoise which frantically followed my lure back while I was retrieving it.
Tortoise was fascinated by the lure and stared at it for at least 15 seconds...
Then it swam away leisurely. 

Time's up, no fish, park ranger might show up and I left, going back the same way through the jungle from where I came from.

Went home, washed up my gear, showered myself, changed into fresh clothing, cuddled Boy, consoled Boy for the massive lost of his beloved black fur coat and went to Toh Tuck to meet Ling.

Look at her happy face...

We went to Anchorpoint for dinner where she ordered her favourite vongole again.

Come this Sunday, I will bring myself to another illegal spot in Mandai during daybreaking hours.
The last time I was there, I caught 6 decent sized temensis within 2 hours while the rest of the anglers there either caught zilch or just 1-2.

I'll bring along the exact same rod and reel, use the exact same lure as I did the previous time.

Must break this stupid dry spell......

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Boy's Date with Amy

Took a day's leave to bring Boy for his pruning session. It's been quite awhile since I last seen Boy's eyes...

Told Amy to 'cut all' and proceeded to describe in detail to her while visualising Ling's Pepper in my head.

I tore myself away from the crying Boy at the groomer's and walked to a nearby McDonald at Serene Centre for breakfast and pass my time. This is where I normally hang out whenever Boy has a date with Amy. 3 hours is a long wait...

After breakfast, I walked around and saw a foot reflexology shop. Can't remembered when was the last time I had one and so, I walked in for a 30 minutes session.
Loitered around Coronation Plaza until I received an sms from Amy informing me that Boy is done.

Happily walked back to the groomer's and I couldn't even describe what I saw next...

Yes, the cut and style is exactly what Pepper had the previous time she went for grooming.
Yes, the black dog jumping with joy in my presence behaved like what Boy does everyday when I go home after work.
Yes, it's my precious BoyBoy!

But NO!
He does not resemble Pepper! Not even close...
Handsome black schnauzer transformed into a street mongrel...

It's ok... I like mongrels too...

So, with that thought in my head, I brought Boy home convinced that the huge difference is due to Boy's and Pepper different gender and fur color.

Just need some time to get used to his new look, that's all.
Or so, I thought...

And no...
Boy doesn't seem too bothered by his new look.

Or maybe he's just putting up a false front showing everyone that he still looks great despite the fact that he looks like an overgrown poodle now.
In other words, maybe the harsh reality hasn't hit him yet.
Wait till he sees himself in the huge mirror in my room...

I'm spending tonight at Ling's place.
Hope that Boy will not cry himself to sleep tonight...
He has his ego too...

Boy, if you're reading this somehow, I wanna tell you:

I will still feed you throughout your entire lifetime even though you look weird now.
I will still be your favourite human chew-toy even though you look hedious now.
I will still love you...

But of course, he already knew.
And is taking advantage of it......