Supposed to go Goldie with Shawn and Kyle who is coming in from Johor this morning but woke up to a thunderstorm at 5am.
Back to sleep but couldn't resist the fishing urge...
Went there at 2pm after dropping Ling at Kico's.
Rong decided to join me.
After some fruitless casting outside, we went deeper into the forest.
Was greeted with a fine fish at the tributary:
4lb Speckled Peacock Bass Z-man MinnowZ |
My second fish on rubber!
It's a must-have in my lure box from now onwards...
After some time of no action, I trekked back out while Rong stayed inside.
Spotted a yellow boat with roof approaching with 5 men onboard.
They spotted me...
Too late...
I retreated back into the vegetation and watched them from behind cover.
They berthed their boat and started to alight.
I ran back to Rong and told him to run deeper inside.
We stopped after awhile and I told him to stay still while I listened for movements.
After some time, I heard leaves rustling.
Seems like someone was making effort to advance stealthily.
Soon, 2 men emerged and immediately, I ran full speed with Rong tagging along half-heartedly.
Don't know what Rong was thinking!
Perhaps he did not know how fucked-up those PUB bastards are since he is lucky not to have encountered any of them before.
One of the officers shouted in a kind tone: 'No need to run! No need to run!'
Rong then stopped. Yes, he stopped!
He was naive enough to be taken in by the officer's kindly tone thinking that it will be just a warning, nothing else!
They caught him...
Rong was sacrificed...
Fat chance of catching me!
I ran deeper into the forest at full speed without looking back.
Could hear someone was chasing me closely from behind.
He was shouting at the top of his lungs: 'Stop! Stop!'
Ignoring his command, I continued bulldozing through the vegetation until I ran out of breath and stopped.
I managed to lose my pursuer...
Took a couple of deep breaths with my ventolin and hid myself behind some thick vegetation.
Switched my phone to silent mode while I squatted down trying to hear movements.
Some time later, true to my prediction, my phone started vibrating.
It's Rong...
He told me that there's a total of 5 of them.
1 of them went after me and turned back after a short while.
He had his details and photograph taken.
One of the officers told him that the fine will be mailed to his registered residence.
I told Rong to watch them from far and call me back after their boat had left.
Meanwhile, I lay low motionless sweating like a pig with countless mosquitoes buzzing around.
Covered myself up with my arm sleeves and buff.
About 20 minutes later, Rong called me and inform me that they had left.
Seems like they gave up coming after me...
I slowly and tactically exited the forest...
Rejoined Rong and scolded him..
WTF was he thinking?!!
Stopping as told??
Anyway, as a first time offender, he will only be slapped with a $50 fine.
For me, let's just say it will be much much more complicated if I get caught again......