Thursday, 24 April 2014

Another Step For Project IS

After weeks of waiting and custom clearance, my knobs finally arrived from Japan!

Made from Zaion material which composed of carbon resin and carbon fibres with unparalleled weight to strength ratio.

BEFORE: Cork Paddle Knobs
AFTER: Megabass Ultra Lightweight Knobs

These knobs originally came with the Megabass IS73C Competition and IS63L Lariat reels.
My new IS79UC Ultimate Competition reel came with cork paddle knobs.

I've had a hard time looking for these very rare knobs as they are not available for sale separately by Megabass.

Proved to be money well spent.

One more very last step and Project IS will be completed...

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Hiking Sunday

A friend told me of a long forgotten spot nearby Roxy.
Distance is far, terrain is treacherous.

And so, I went and got myself a machete.
A parang so to speak.

SOG Sogfari Machete 13" blade

Nowadays, the parang also evolved until very nice and tactical.
Unlike those in the past with wooden handles which got rusty after a few weeks.

Anyway, I went alone and followed my Jason's very vague description of that place.

Trekked for some time upslope, downslope, crossed streams and hacked my way through the vegetation.

Found a long forgotten familiar PUB signage left to rust and rot in the wilderness:

An 80's looking PUB signage.

After some time of exhausting bashing, I finally gave up.

Shall come here and try again together with Jason in the near future.

I trekked back out and decided to join Eugene at Roxy who brought his friend, Khoon. 

It was I who had introduced Roxy to Eugene.
I trust that he will keep Roxy to himself and his friend.

Even if it turns out otherwise, I will not whine like a girl like some asshole did for Mozzy.
No spots can remain forever exclusive to any individuals.

Just look at Mozzy. 
Turned into a pasar malam even though I kept my promise of silence. 

Besides, there are plenty of spots out there waiting to be found.
And many more waiting for me to revisit them.

The death of a fallen tree gave life to others.

When I arrived, I noticed that the water level is still very high.

Khoon had already caught 1 before my arrival.

It seemed to be a very slow morning.

After a while, I managed to hookup one with my self-tied fly:

It's a small spawning male specimen.
After some photo raping, I let it went free.

It was then I noticed some disturbance in the shallow bank next to me.

Upon further investigation, it's a freshwater yabby.

It's strange that the yabby remained at the weed in the water even after I fooled around with it for a while, dangling my fly in front of it. 
They are usually very cautious and easily spooked, darting away at the slightest sign of abnormality.

I put my hand into the water and caught it with my hand.

The poor thing had gotten itself snagged on the weed and was unable to free itself.

I took out my pliers and cut it loose.

Took some photos of it as well:

First time I saw a yabby at Roxy.

Lucky the yabby met me today...  lol
If not it would have starved itself to death.
It must have been stucked there for ages. 

Freed the poor yabby and continued fishing.

Got another temensis on my favorite minnow:

A short while later, Eugene got himself one as well with his new reel:

A Tribute To Barney...

Back in the 60's (or was it the 50's?) when the local crocodile farming trade is blooming, there were many such businesses in the Lim Chu Kang area.

There was a terrible flood and many of those reptiles escaped from their confinement into the wild.

And of course, the nearest marshland will be Kranji reservoir.

Some made their way to Sungei Buloh and got connected to the sea.
Others sought refuge at the swarms and marshland around Kranji reservoir.

Over these years, they are still there.
And growing...

Almost every accomplished local anglers knows that a certain part of Kranji reservoir holds the biggest giant snakehead in Stinkapore.

Neo Tiew Lane 2...

To reach this spot, one must travel waist deep in the water at a certain point of the journey.

Signs have been erected to warn humans of certain monsters that lurks in the waters at that area.

Some anglers are lucky (or unlucky?) enough to have met the beast.

I have personally met her (ya, it's a she) on a couple of occasions from afar.

Even as a beast she is, it seems like she does not have an appetite for human meat.

Local anglers who knew about her existence gave her a name:
Barney, the guardian of the most fabled giant snakehead fishing spot in Stinkapore...

A few days ago, I received a piece of very sad news...

And some photos...

While I do not know what happened to Barney that took her life, it is indeed a very sad thing to happen...
Barney will live forever in my heart even though we met only a few times...

Her legacy will not end here.

There are still a few more Barneys there although smaller.

Her babies will continue her guardian duties now that she's gone.

Rest in peace, my dear Barney...

Sunday, 13 April 2014

F3-69X7 + IS 79UC

After getting some decent sized temmies and tomans on this setup, it's time for some personal review on this combo. 

I'll start with the reel then the rod. 
And lastly followed by it's combination. 

Megabass IS 79 Ultimate Competition
(Red Clutch Edition)

Modification: I'ze Factory SV 105 Shallow Spool with dry stock bearings. 

I've actually cleaned away the grease inside the reel's stock spool bearings to achieve a faster rotation speed at the expense of a shorter bearing lifespan. 

With the SV 105 shallow spool, I am able to load 90m of 15lbs Sufix 832 braided line to the brim. 

Cast control is set to zero with magnetic brakes at 1. 

With this setting, I am able to cast 10 - 14grams of lures with ease. 
Anything lighter with require slight thumb control.

If there's a word to describe this reel, it will be:

Everything is freaking smooth. 
Even though for a new reel. 

I've tried brand new Megabass low profile reels before. 
FX68, IP79, Zonda Hedgehog.

None of them comes close to the IS79UC in terms of smoothness regardless of casting or cranking. 

But to be fair, the FX68 can easily out cast the IS79UC due to it's innovative TWS system. 
IP79 has managed to combine power and speed into a single reel, something which many failed. 

With the IS79UC, it spins at a speed of 7.9:1 ratio. 
As with many other high speed reels, it sacrifices cranking power to achieve a high gear ratio except for the IP79 of course. 
It's 80mm carbon crank does not help much either. 

That aside, the IS79UC packs just enough punch for our local freshwater species (including lunkers) with a modest but sufficient 4kg drag strength. 

I've tried overhead casting, side casting, skipping, pitching.
They all yielded the same smooth feel. 

It is also one of the lightest low profile reels around.

The sleek matte black look and red thumb bar makes it one of the most stealthy looking one as well. 

Megabass Destroyer X7

Not many will spend top dollars for a rod compared to a reel. 

Most of the anglers assume that the reel plays the most important part in their fishing experience. 

Also, many could not bring themselves to pay so much for just a 'stick' with small metal rings. 

That's not true. 

The rod is what affects casting performance the most. 
Not to mention sensitivity as well. 

A good rod paired with good line helps the angler to cast further, more accurately and sensitive enough to detect any 'hits' the lure gets. 

The F3-69X7 is one such rod. 

Although rated as a 'fast' action rod, I give it 'moderate fast' at best. 

With a relatively soft tip section, surface lures can be easily worked and this is where it truly shines. 

Optimum lure weight I feel will be 14grams although I've launched big 25grams surface pencil without feeling any stress to it's graphite blank. 

Sensitivity is top notch. 

I can even feel the wobbles made by my minnows as I retrieve them. 

Even when using light surface lures when the line is slack half the time, I feel totally connected and in control of my lure. 

Besides it's well made blank, those micro guides plays a huge part in this insane sensitivity, I reckon. 

All in all, my choice of pairing these 2 high end equipment turns out to be divine. 

The ultra lightweight IS79UC compensates for the front heavy F3-69UC. 

The setup feels light, balanced and crisp in my hands. 

Even with a small fish at the end of my line, it managed to make things fun and exciting. 

It may not have the brute strength to pull an adult giant snakehead out from heavy cover but if the cards are played right to avoid that kind of situation, hauling in a 10lb or larger specimen is not impossible. 

I shall try my best to break it...
Wish me luck!

Double Whammy

Went for a short short session with Shawn this morning as he has some family commitments.

Managed to catch one after some time of chasing it on foot:

Lure: Megabass X-140 SW

Rod: Megabass Destroyer X7 (F3-69X7)
Reel: Megabass IS 79UC Red Clutch Limited

Look at those teeth!

Soon, Shawn caught 1 too and I ran to him wanting to assist him landing it.

But the fish made a few last runs peeling out line and shook off the hook:

This lost practically ruined Shawn's mood this morning...

I resumed casting after the hooha and casted into the far distant where a pod of fries were.

My lure landed directly on the fries and just when I thought I spooked the mother, my rod bent and it's fish on!

Fought it back from afar while she made her mad dashes and wild headshakes.

Images of Shawn's lost flooded my mind at that moment.

Luckily, I was able to get a proper hookset and the watermelon mama was landed:

Sunday, 6 April 2014

First & Last Light With Roxy

Went to Roxy at first light with Andrew who is still hoping for his first peacock bass on lure...

He lost a take and as for me, I lost one too.

Got a decent sized spawning male on rubber and lost it as well when I was trying to lip grip it...

Went back home with mixed feelings...


Bent on catching something with my new setup, I went back to Roxy at last light with Eugene.

This is what we achieved despite having a few misses:

As it turns out, my new setup is very sensitive.

Cranking deeper minnows require more efforts due to the high gear ratio and soft blank tip.

I still think that the G.Loomis NRX has better sensitivity than the Megabass X7.

Don't get me wrong though.
Despite this, the X7 is still one of the best rod around.

The feeling of the fight against a peacock bass on the end of the line with my new setup is nothing like before.

I shall try a giant snakehead with it soon...

Saturday, 5 April 2014

So Near, Yet So Far...

The Daiwa I'ZE Factory SV 105 Shallow Spool reached my hands today.

Another step closer to perfection:

And this is the reason why the stock spool (right) must go:

Initially, I was rather worried that a golden spool might not look compatible with a matte black reel with red accents.

My worries proved to be unfounded:

Tried my Lin 10 Mars on the Destroyer X7 rod as well.
Just to see how it will look like:

The Mars is never going to be fished on this rod.
My G.Loomis NRX is where it belongs:

When are my knobs going to arrive???


Days ago, I purchased a pair of really cool pliers and posted it's photo on Facebook.
My friends quickly displayed interest.

Eventually, the only 4 pieces available were purchased by us.
Shawn, Rong, Eugene and me.

Shawn was interested in my new X7 rod as well.

Found someone selling a used but mint condition one online.

Dealed on his behalf and the rod is indeed in near mint condition with slight stains on it's cork handle.
Nothing that can't be fixed.

At only SGD 450, it's a steal!

Rong is the most delighted one as the three of us have the same rod of the same specification now.

Initially, it was I who had recommended him the X7 when he wanted a Megabass rod. 

Glad to know he loves it so much that he kept persuading us to buy the X7 as well. 

Took a photo of my sets with Shawn's new rod as well.

Some issues cropped up with those black knobs I ordered...
But I have to admit that those stock cork paddle knobs grows on me slowly but surely.

At least since the spool is here now, I can start using this new setup of mine.

Loaded it with 15lb braided mainline with a 20lb Flourocarbon leader.

Hope I'll get a chance to break it in this weekend...

My knobs...

It's absence makes everything seems so near...

But yet so far...