Was in the vicinity while doing some work and decided to pop by an old fishing spot that I used to frequent in the past.
Saw 3 people unloading bags of fishes from the boot of their car:
They then say their prayers to whomever it is up there.
It's obvious what they were going to do next...
Lining up the bags neatly by the side of the water:
They next proceed to release the fishes in the bags one by one and left as hurriedly as they came...
In those bags were juvenile haruans and catfishes...
Every religion and individuals have their own takes and views towards their own faith.
In this case, these folks probably thought they are doing a kind deed by buying and releasing these juvenile fishes into our reservoir which in turn, contribute to their positive karma.
Little did they know that most (if not all) of those catfishes will be food for those vicious tomans lurking in the water.
In fact, catfishes are known to be tomans favorite snack besides frogs.
Even if they are not in feeding mood, they will attack and kill every catfish in sight.
It's their natural instinct and behaviour towards catfishes.
This is the reason why live catfishes are the top bait of choice by baiters targeting tomans.
Positive or negative karma, I don't know.
But I'm certain that there's going to be a bloodbath at Mandai Lake once the sun goes down tonight...

Strangely, I feel happy for the tomans...
It's not often that they have a buffet spread of delicious catfishes...
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