Didn't know I have a fanboy until months ago.
Since then, I have been avoiding him like a plague.
Fanboy has been asking me (and my close fishing friends) for a reason why am I avoiding him.
We denied, of course.
That's the adult thing to do, I guess...
Avoid confrontation and maintain distance.
For now, the drama has come to a standstill and for closure (as well as for my own viewing pleasure of this blog in future), this post shall be nothing more than my personal take of the entire episode.
Months ago, someone added me on Facebook saying that he saw me brisk walking towards a fishing spot alone before daybreak.
How the hell did he managed to find my Facebook profile by just a view of my behind, I do not have the slightest clue.
Let's call him EX for now.
We started chatting and although I rarely add strangers on my Facebook, I approved his 'friend request'.
Back then, he was just this humble guy who started out fishing artificials, thirsty for angling knowledge and wants to catch more fishes and make new friends in this hobby.
There was once we fished together, I found out that the stick that he was using wasn't cut out for throwing light lures that he is using.
Introduced him to a better and more suitable rod.
Advised him on which model/size of reel he should buy.
Thinking back, things got more and more creepy from then on...
Something like a stalker?
He started to throw himself to my close friends, sending them requests and what nots.
Grabbing every available chance to converse with them or to meet them in person.
Every posts I made on Facebook, he is usually the first to 'like' and comment.
This weird phenomenon soon spread to my friends as well.
EX even started to join a particular Facebook Fishing group that me and my friends are active in.
Started posting stuffs regularly and adding more of our friends in the process.
As first, we didn't think much of it.
Maybe just an overly friendly person?
Firstly, he bought a bag.
Exactly the same as mine which Ling gave me as a present.
Bag is ok.
It is indeed a good quality bag at just the right size.
Many others are also using it.
I'll let this one slide.
Next came the pliers.
I purchased the Megabass pliers from Andrew.
Remembered that I bought 3 of those pliers.
For myself, Rong and Shawn.
Soon after I posted the photo of those pliers on my Facebook, EX asked me about the details.
I subsequently told him where and price.
With my help, he grabbed one as well.
Next came the Megabass black sun-visor.
It's not available locally, only available on a Japanese bidding website.
Since Shawn had a registered account, I asked him to purchase it on my behalf.
Same thing.
I posted the photo, EX saw and asked Shawn to buy it for him also.
A friend of mine had told me about it.
I replied him saying that it's his money and I'm not in position to comment on his purchase.
Next came the DRESS grasper.
I remembered telling him (when he asked) that it's good for handling tomans which most of the time, keep their jaws tightly clamped.
I remembered clearly that he replied that he feels happy with his Boga and it does the job for him.
Since he is not catching any tomans at all.
Well guess what?
He bought one eventually, albeit at a different color scheme, with the same holder as well.
While me and my friend were having our regular casual chat, we had jokingly bet that EX will put the holder at the same location as mine, which is on the slightly higher end of the bag's shoulder strap.
There are many ways and places to use the versatile holder.
You can even hook it onto the belt.
No surprise here, our guess turned out to be correct.
Plucked a photo from EX's Facebook's album:
Same Same Same Same Same.
Next, footwear.
There was once when EX expressed interest in my fishing boots which are almost waist high and unavailable locally.
I got it shipped in from England at a premium price as I absolutely hates getting wet while fishing.
Next, flies.
I have this self-made fly that I always turn to whenever the fishes are not biting.
I'm really proud of this fly which took me time to improve.
From the jighead's weight/type, color sequence, tying method, and most importantly the tail section.
It took me almost a year for it to evolve into what it is now with constant field testing.
And then, suddenly EX became super interested in flies.
Since he doesn't know how to tie them, he got his friend to make him some.
Almost all have 'tails'.
And guess what?
So far, I seem to be the only person who ties flies on jigheads with those 'tails'.
Who's the copycat now?
Next up are those rubber lures.
I have been catching many fishes using them.
A specified brand with a specified size with a specified color on a specified jighead.
Namely: Zman MinnowZ 3" (White) on TT 1/2 ounce Jigheads.
There was once when EX asked me extensively on these rubbers.
I replied him that any color works as long as there's fishes in the waters.
White happens to be my preference.
I replied him that any type of jighead works.
Just get the weight that he is comfortable with and is within his rod's specs.
And guess what?
He scoured through my fishing album's photos and bought these:
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Image plucked from EX's facebook. |
Same brand of rubber lure with the same size on the same color as what I have been using all along.
Even the same type and brand of jigheads.
Out of the countless brands and colors and lengths and swimming actions, he chose to get these.
Next, weedless jigheads.
This happened after I started to keep my distance from EX.
He saw my purchase and went and bought 5 packets for himself:
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My purchase. |
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EX's with the same weedless jigheads. |
A friend of mine alerted me to this.
By that time, I'm already quite numb to EX being my avid follower.
Yet another coincidence?
You go judge.
Next, lures.
Back when EX and me were still on good terms, I had introduced him to a few lures which are fun to use and produces results from lethargic fishes.
After things turn sour, I bought a bulk of newly launched lures by Duel for myself and sharing among friends excluding EX.
Because I'm starting to get sick and tired of someone 'following' me like a stalker.
Also, the lures I bought were too heavy for EX's rod specs.
Anyway, here are the photos:
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Mine. |
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EX's. |
Knowing that I'm not going to give him one, he went and bought it for himself.
There are tons of newly launched lures out there. Why this one?
Just because you do not want to be left out like a little kid begging his mommy to buy him a toy that all his friends are playing with?
Anyway, this lure turned out to be crap.
Still catches fishes but action is even worse than it's predecessor.
When things progressed to this stage, I got really uncomfortable and to be frank, irritated...
It's really irritating that someone is trying so hard to be another 'Ken' instead of enjoying the sport in his own way.
Or maybe EX is enjoying himself while basking in the process of trying to be another me?
A few items, it's ok. Nothing to shout about.
But when almost everything are the same, it's a freaking stalker alert.
EX is a married adult for crying out loud, not some teenager who craves for peers' attention by trying to fit in by wearing the same clothes, using the same mobile phone, etc.
You get the idea.
Anyway, I kept my distance from him since then and whenever my friends asked why, I just jokingly told them that I'm uncomfortable with EX's level of admiration for me.
Even they know that his obsession had crossed the line.
It has been a couple of months during which, 2 friends of mine expressed their same sentiments towards EX to me.
Both of them feels the same way about him.
In both cases, I just advised them that the money belongs to EX himself.
Google can find him almost everything.
And I empathised to them again and again not to be affected by the strained friendship between me and EX.
I have no qualms to them remaining as friends.
Even when I get remarks from people that EX becoming more and more of a show-off, I brushed the topic aside.
Until 2 days ago in the dead of the night, my tolerence towards this fucker hits over the roof when I saw what he posted after a long tiring day out from work:

I have recently been physically and emotionally drained by my work and my recent accident.
Usually, I'll just let it slide and forget all about it but this time, it's simply too much.
First time he called me names was when I donned a raincoat when it started to rain while we were fishing together months ago.
He had stealthily taken a photo of me in the raincoat and posted the photo on facebook, jokingly called me a pussy.
Although annoyed back then, I held back.
Well, I admit that I am a petty person who dislikes to be called names.
Who the fuck doesn't?
Will you be happy if I called you insulting names as well?
'Pussy' just hit dead on my nerves.
Lost my cool and lashed out against his posting:

And proceeded to make my thoughts be known to everyone who visits the post:

Maybe I went too far with my replies to EX's post.
Maybe it's childish for me to retaliate back the way I did, stooping myself down to his level.
Maybe I should have swallowed it and went to bed, forget about the whole thing.
Fuck no!
I was having a very bad day and EX's whining post just ignited my temper.
What kind of a grown man posts such things like that all the time anyway?
Trying to get recognition from others?
Machiam girls posting attention-seeking stuff to gain sympathy or supportive comments from others.
Not happy?
Stay the fuck away from that person that makes you unhappy lar...
Instead, EX has time and again chosen to post such stuffs on his facebook wall, promptly replying to every single comment his friends gave.
Yes, it's not the first time he is doing this.
Attention-seeking whore...
Wonder if EX appreciates my name-callings now, since he likes doing it to others so much.
Didn't even have the guts to put names on his whining posts.
And the next day morning, I received this bullshit from EX:

First of all, whether the post was directed at me or not, EX knows best.
I know best.
I didn't even bothered to reply to his stupid Whatsapp message.
Secondly, I don't give a fuck.
To me, this is just a pathetic attempt trying to act smart and turn the table back around to his advantage.
Fishing is not about having the most expensive gears.
Fishing is not about flaunting those branded gears.
If EX still thinks that way, it's his problem.
Doesn't affect me a single bit.
But who am I to preach?
If EX still wants to prove to others that he is superior in the hobby in his own way, so be it.
In today's standards, EVERY lure angler can afford a thousand dollars setup or paraphernalia.
And with Google, everything can be found on the www.
It's just that most would rather spend their money on other more important stuffs in life.
Example milk powder or what nots.
EX, still thinking that this is a matter of who owns the most expensive gears, is actually the only one with a low self-esteem problem.
Like I said, go think about it.
The issue I have with EX is his shameless following of my everything from the beginning.
Even my friends (not just one) can jokingly tell me that I have a faithful follower which actually irks me.
People say 'Imitation is a form of flattery'.
This to me, having a fanboy outfitting himself like he is my doppelganger, is not a compliment at all.
EX, with a girly behaviour of posting such attention seeking bullshit and calling names on Facebook doesn't even deserve my time at all.
But if EX wants to take things to a higher level, I will not back down like before either.
I am absolutely sick of his nonsense!
And I know that EX is reading this.
UPDATE: 29th July 2014 - 11.49pm
Jason just called me and in his good nature, tried to mediate the dispute between EX and me.
Said that EX called him after seeing this post and wanted to know why I posted this entry.
EX claimed that his Facebook post which triggered all this, was not directed at me.
Who to blame?
Like I said, since EX did not put a name to his bitching post, ANYONE who felt that they fits his description are free to confront him.
And that of course, includes ME.
So far, everyone who knows about this felt that the post was indeed targeting me.
This blog entry is here to stay.
All I had written here are nothing but facts.
Even at some point where I'm not entirely certain, I'd let the readers judge for themselves.
EX's facebook post is up to him.
It's his facebook profile and he can post whatever shit he wants.
Everything has it consequences.
Be responsible and prepare to face the music for what you wrote or said.
Don't be a pussy and start to roti prata your way out of this mess you created in the first place.
While EX's facebook post showed his frustration, accusations and name-callings, my blog post showed FACTS and my retaliation.
But unlike his facebook, this blog only has a handful of readers.
EX will heave a sigh of relief knowing that readers of my blog whom are fishos are only Shawn, Ah Rong, ZH and EX himself.
No one else will know this exciting episode.
New addition will be Jason since EX had given him this blog's link just now.
Jason told me to take things easy and not blow things up.
He also told me to give him 'face' and delete this blog entry, treat it like nothing happened and go our own ways from now on.
Isn't this what I have been doing all along?
Keeping my distance away from EX?
Until Sunday night, when I saw that bitching post.
Anyway, as I gave Jason my word, I'll put this episode to a rest.
There shall be no more further sequel to this as long as my tail is not stepped on again.
This blog entry shall naturally be buried over time.
If it happens again, don't go to my friends crying foul.
Leave them out of this.
It's between you and me.
Be careful of whom you tread on.
Be it intentionally or not.
UPDATE: 29th July 2014 - 11.49pm
Jason just called me and in his good nature, tried to mediate the dispute between EX and me.
Said that EX called him after seeing this post and wanted to know why I posted this entry.
EX claimed that his Facebook post which triggered all this, was not directed at me.
Who to blame?
Like I said, since EX did not put a name to his bitching post, ANYONE who felt that they fits his description are free to confront him.
And that of course, includes ME.
So far, everyone who knows about this felt that the post was indeed targeting me.
This blog entry is here to stay.
All I had written here are nothing but facts.
Even at some point where I'm not entirely certain, I'd let the readers judge for themselves.
EX's facebook post is up to him.
It's his facebook profile and he can post whatever shit he wants.
Everything has it consequences.
Be responsible and prepare to face the music for what you wrote or said.
Don't be a pussy and start to roti prata your way out of this mess you created in the first place.
While EX's facebook post showed his frustration, accusations and name-callings, my blog post showed FACTS and my retaliation.
But unlike his facebook, this blog only has a handful of readers.
EX will heave a sigh of relief knowing that readers of my blog whom are fishos are only Shawn, Ah Rong, ZH and EX himself.
No one else will know this exciting episode.
New addition will be Jason since EX had given him this blog's link just now.
Jason told me to take things easy and not blow things up.
He also told me to give him 'face' and delete this blog entry, treat it like nothing happened and go our own ways from now on.
Isn't this what I have been doing all along?
Keeping my distance away from EX?
Until Sunday night, when I saw that bitching post.
Anyway, as I gave Jason my word, I'll put this episode to a rest.
There shall be no more further sequel to this as long as my tail is not stepped on again.
This blog entry shall naturally be buried over time.
If it happens again, don't go to my friends crying foul.
Leave them out of this.
It's between you and me.
Be careful of whom you tread on.
Be it intentionally or not.