Saturday, 12 July 2014

Rarely, But It Happens

Rarely fished during last light hours.

Was catching up on some much need sleep this afternoon when Shawn called and asked me out for some evening fishing.

I agreed, got up to shower and changed, was the first to arrive at Spot Rex.
It's been a long time since I have been here...

Walked into the water and took turns casting every lure in my lure case.
Nothing bites.

An hour later, Shawn arrived with Shun.

After a while, everyone yielded nothing and we decided to walk deeper into the vegetation.

Same thing.
No fish. Zero surface activity.

Walked back out and while me and Shun walked to the same spot in the thigh deep water previously, Shawn decided to head to the other side.

Good choice indeed!

He caught a few temensis there.
Those fishes were hiding there instead of me and Shun's side.

Shun went over to Shawn's side while I stayed put, not wanting to crowd with them.

Jason came soon after, just as I pretty much predicted.

Chatted for awhile.
Asked me to check his Shimano Stella which had been getting noisy lately.

Nothing was spoilt actually.
All it needs is just a good cleanup and lubrication to run like new again.

He's pretty surprised that I know how to service fishing reels.

Not many can do a good job these days especially in Stinkapore.

Anyway, we agreed to visit a spot tomorrow which I have not been to in a very long time.
It happens that he's been there once many many years ago also.

I bid farewell to them and left early.

Got a date to watch Transformers: Age of Extinction.

Oh, and by the way, the movie sucks.
Nothing like the 3 episodes before.

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