Saturday 26 May 2012

Anger Management

Temper has been rather short lately...

Still considered a major improvement compared to my past but it's getting bad these couple of days...

Thing is, I don't know why...
Lack of nicotine?? Maybe... but I doubt so...

Unintentional bump from a malay at crowded Orchard raised my temper...
Sarcastic remark from a fat ugly butch at Ikea transformed me instantly into a hooligan...

Ling's usual 大小姐 traits had me boiled up a couple of times...
Cold wars were waged... luckily, they always lasted for less than 15 minutes...

What's happening???
Even though it is nowhere compared to years back, I really hope it will not get any worse...

Hugs from those I love can instantly soothe my rising temper.
But there's no way I can bring Boy with me wherever i go right?

Need to work on my anger management...

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